Useful information about the Camino of Saint James Pilgrimage and Santiago de Compostela

The Camino Stages Maps

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Mapa de previsión del tiempo en el Camino de Santiago

Stage 6 - Estella/Lizarra - Torres del Río

Lenght 26,5 Kms  Time Long.: 7h min.

The Camino of Santiago leaves the old town of Estella and practically without transition you will reach the village of Ayeguin. The monastery of Irache is seen from afar.

Irache Cellar has built in one of its walls, before belonging to the monastery, which gives to the Camino de Santiago a fountain of wine to invite the Pilgrim to a drink of this wonderful soup. Thousands of people of different nationalities have visited it as something unusual on the road. The fountain has a web cam to see in time real in the Camino de Santiago pilgrims who visit it.

Camino Frances Etapa 6 Estella Torres del Rio

After the monastery, we continue the signal "Los Arcos vía Azqueta" right and approx. One hour we arrive to Azqueta. Begins a brief rise and we pass the fountain of the Moors 13th century and reach Mojardin Villamayor. The road leaves Mojardin descending towards the South. By wide agricultural tracks we come to Los Arcos. Bows to SanSol there is still quite a way 1 ¾ h. but the route is flat and without complications. From there we continue along a small road into Torres del Río.

In Torres del Río, you should visit the 12th century that is attributed to the Knights Templar.


Camino Frances Etapa 6 Estella Torres del Rio

Hostels and Accommodation

Villatuerta Casa Mágica

Calle Rebote 5 31200 Villatuerta. Tel. 948 536 095    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Los Arcos Casa de la Abuela

Plaza de la Fruta 8 31210 Los Arcos Tel. 630 610 721 - 699 419 281 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Torres del Río Casa Mariela

Padre Valeriano Ordoñez 6 31299 Torres del Río Tel. 948 648 251 - 948 648 433 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Torres del Río Casa Mari

C/ Casas nuevas nº 13 31299 - Torres del Río Tel. 948 648 409 - 699 572 950 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Viana Albergue Izar

C/ El Cristo, 6 31230 - Viana Tel. 948 090 002 - 660 071 349 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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