Useful information about the Camino of Saint James Pilgrimage and Santiago de Compostela

Trains Information

Renfe station or Train station of Santiago Compostela

Address: Rua do Horreo 75

Tel: 981 59 18 59

Information and ticket reservation: 920 320 320

Stations information: 902 432 432



Pre-sale: from 09:00 h to 21:00 h.

Immediate sale: 06:05 h. to 22:45 h.

Ticket by phone: 06:05 h. to 22:45 h.

Opened Station: from 05:00 to 00: 30 h.


Ultreia Ring

Anillos Ultreia Rings Camino de Santiago

Jewels of the Camino

pilgrim woman jimena jewels of the camino


Joyas del Camino

concha vieira camino santiago scallop shell